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Ao voltar para casa, Nilcilene encontrou o cão de guarda assassinado e estirado no chão
A lavradora jurada de morte Nilcilene Miguel de Lima recebeu um recado do crime organizado do sul do Amazonas no dia 1 de março. Ao descer da viatura da Força Nacional, acompanhada de dois policiais, ela encontrou o seu cachorro morto com um tiro no ouvido estirado perto do portão.
“Eu tô apavorada, não tem condição de ficar aqui”, ela disse, por telefone, na manhã desta sexta-feira, 2 de março. Jurada de morte, a lavradora tem proteção ostensiva pelo Programa de Proteção dos Defensores de Direitos Humanos desde outubro do ano passado.
Nem nove homens armados ao seu redor podem lhe garantir segurança em uma área dominada por madeireiros e grileiros, sem presença do Estado. Nilcilene enfrenta ameaças desde 2009, quando fez as primeiras denúncias de roubo de madeira e invasão de terras no assentamento do qual é líder (leia matéria completa aqui).
Quem achou o cachorro foi Raimundo Oliveira, marido dela. “Ele ficou em pânico, nao quis nem tirar o corpo do lugar de tanto medo. Agora tá cheio de urubu lá em casa”. O vira-lata “Chorinho” era o mais bravo dos quatro cachorros da casa e o primeiro a latir e correr para o portão quando alguém se aproximava.
Nilcilene teve que passar três dias fora e Raimundo ficou sozinho, sem a escolta. O casal acha que a ausência dos homens da Força Nacional foi notada pelos agressores. “Está muito perigoso. O Raimundo não está mais dormindo sozinho em casa. Quando eu saio, ele tem que se esconder na casa de alguém porque está correndo risco de vida”.
Assustados, Raimundo e Nilcilene não dormiram na noite passada. Ficaram ouvindo a movimentação dos madeireiros na estrada. “Fazia tempo que eu não via eles tirarem tanta madeira daqui. A serra comeu a noite toda, passaram mais de dez caminhões na estrada de casa”, diz Nilcilene.
Com o aumento das chuvas desse período, as estradas de terra que levam ao assentamento ficaram intransitáveis. A viatura da Força Nacional quebrou e Nilcilene foi obrigada a passar três noites na cidade de Acrelândia, onde fica a base da equipe policial. Por isso, Raimundo ficou sozinho em casa.
” Os madeireiros aproveitaram que a estrada está ruim e falaram pros produtores (os lavradores do assentamento) que eles consertam, desde que o povo pague com madeira. E o povo aceitou, tá todo mundo deixando eles pegarem madeira para consertar a estrada. No assentamento dá para ver as toras de árvore empilhadas. “.
O casal se preocupa com o momento em que o governo retirar a escolta. Os contratos do Programa de Proteção aos Defensores de Direitos Humanos duram três meses. O primeiro venceu em janeiro, mas a Comissão Pastoral da Terra intercedeu pela prorrogação.
“Se a escolta for embora, a gente tem que ir junto, se não eles vão me matar”.
Upon returning home, Nilcilene found her dog killed and lying on the ground
On March 1st, Nilcilene Miguel de Lima, the rural worker sworn to death by local gunmen , received a message from the criminal gangs form Amazon's south. As she came out of the National Force vehicle, accompanied by her police protection escort, she found her dog lying dead with a shot in the ear at the gate of her house.
"I am frightened. I am in no condition to stay here", she said by telephone, this friday, March 2nd. Sworn to death, since October of 2011 Nicilene has ostensive protection from the Program to Protect Human Rights Defenders . She deals with threats since 2009, when she first spoke to authorities about the theft of wood and invasion of lands in which she is a leader. (read complete story here:
Raimundo Oliveira, her husband, was the one to first find the dog. "He was in panic. He was so scared he didn't even want to move the dog. Now there are vultures around my house." The mutt, "Chorinho" was the bravest of the four dogs of the house and the first to bark and run to the gate when someone approached.
Nilcilene had to spend three days away from her home and Raimundo was left alone without escort. The couple believes that the absence of men from the National Force was noted by the attackers. "It's very dangerous. Raimundo is no longer sleeping alone at home. When I leave, he has to hide in someone's home because his life is also in danger."
Frightened, Raimundo and Nilcilene did not sleep last night. They were listening to the movement of loggers on the road. "It's been a while since I've seen so much movement of loggers in the area. The chainsaw was at work all night long; there must have been more than ten trucks on the road," says Nilcilene.
With the increased rainfall this year, the dirt roads that let to the settlement were impassable. The vehicle of the National Force which transports Nilcilene had to spend three nights in the city of Acrêlandia, base of the police team.
"The loggers used the fact that the roads were in bad shape and made a deal with the producers (farmers of the settlement) that they would fix it in exchange for wood. Everybody's allowing them to get wood to fix the road. In the settlement you can see the tree logs stacked."
The couple is also worried about the moment in which they will loose their security escort; the contract of the Program to Protect Human Rights Defenders lasts three months. Their first contract ended in January, but the Pastoral Land Commission interceded for an extension.
"If the escort is gone, we will have to go away. If we don't, they will kill us."
Video: Gunmen threaten family of rural leader.
"I am frightened. I am in no condition to stay here", she said by telephone, this friday, March 2nd. Sworn to death, since October of 2011 Nicilene has ostensive protection from the Program to Protect Human Rights Defenders . She deals with threats since 2009, when she first spoke to authorities about the theft of wood and invasion of lands in which she is a leader. (read complete story here:
Raimundo Oliveira, her husband, was the one to first find the dog. "He was in panic. He was so scared he didn't even want to move the dog. Now there are vultures around my house." The mutt, "Chorinho" was the bravest of the four dogs of the house and the first to bark and run to the gate when someone approached.
Nilcilene had to spend three days away from her home and Raimundo was left alone without escort. The couple believes that the absence of men from the National Force was noted by the attackers. "It's very dangerous. Raimundo is no longer sleeping alone at home. When I leave, he has to hide in someone's home because his life is also in danger."
Frightened, Raimundo and Nilcilene did not sleep last night. They were listening to the movement of loggers on the road. "It's been a while since I've seen so much movement of loggers in the area. The chainsaw was at work all night long; there must have been more than ten trucks on the road," says Nilcilene.
With the increased rainfall this year, the dirt roads that let to the settlement were impassable. The vehicle of the National Force which transports Nilcilene had to spend three nights in the city of Acrêlandia, base of the police team.
"The loggers used the fact that the roads were in bad shape and made a deal with the producers (farmers of the settlement) that they would fix it in exchange for wood. Everybody's allowing them to get wood to fix the road. In the settlement you can see the tree logs stacked."
The couple is also worried about the moment in which they will loose their security escort; the contract of the Program to Protect Human Rights Defenders lasts three months. Their first contract ended in January, but the Pastoral Land Commission interceded for an extension.
"If the escort is gone, we will have to go away. If we don't, they will kill us."
Video: Gunmen threaten family of rural leader.
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